S.V. Medaris, 'Best Buds', oil on panel

Market Weight Press

The Printmaking Studio of S.V. Medaris

It all started with Big Tiny

S.V. Medaris has been exhibiting her work professionally since 2004 with her debut of A One Chick Show, featuring a 20ft painting The Return of Big Tiny, now hanging in the Training Center on the Epic Systems campus.

For Medaris, the purpose of making the artwork is to educate about the different species and breeds (dogs, cats, chickens, peafowl, turkeys, and pigs she has raised on this farm in the Driftless area of Wisconsin since 1998), often exposing the drama and/or humor inherent in raising the various livestock for meat or as pets.

Artist S.V. Medaris rests after printing the 8ft woodcut, 'Cock 'O the Walk'

The artist, resting after printing the first of the edition Cock ‘O the Walk, an 8ft woodblock

Over a dozen solo shows in 17 years—recently MOWA (Museum of Wisconsin Art), James Watrous Gallery—focus on themes of domestic animal husbandry, the relationships we have with livestock and they with each other, and their unique characteristics.

Medaris has been represented since 2005 by Abel Contemporary in Stoughton, WI. An MFA in 2011 at UW-Madison in printmaking allowed her to add block prints as storytelling vehicles alongside the oils. Artworks are in numerous public and private collections in the U.S. and abroad including Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Museum of Wisconsin Art, Epic Systems Corporation, Denver Art Museum and UW Children’s Hospital.

Visual stories from the farm

The latest news, work, happenings at the farm and in the studio.

The Last Mark

The Last Mark

‘The Last Mark’, 9-color Reduction Linocut by S.V. Medaris, started out as a tribute to her little JackRat Terrier but became much more

“Aviary” Opens  Tonight!

“Aviary” Opens Tonight!

“Aviary” opens June 6 at Abel Contemporary in Stoughton. 2 pieces by S.V. Medaris are featured here.

S.V. Medaris, 'Possum Defensive' Hand-colored woodcut

Possum Defensive

Possum Defensive is a 5ft x 5ft, hand-colored woodblock print, available, framed at Abel Contemporary. Entering the coop before dusk, a hungry possum had just killed a chicken. He is exhibiting a defensive pose, trying to look as scary and formidable as possible (growling, mouth wide to show all the sharp teeth, and drooling excessively) to hopefully frighten away this approaching human.

Recent Work

A selection of works from Medaris’ solo show at Abel Contemporary in early 2021. See available work there.
S.V. Medaris, 'My Pandemic Summer, Black Silkie' oil on panel
My Pandemic Summer, Black Silkie, oil on panel
S.V. Medaris, 'Self-made Milliner' oil on panel
Self-Made Milliner (detail), oil on panel
S.V. Medaris, 'G'head, drink!' oil on panel
G’head, drink!’, oil on panel
S.V. Medaris, 'A Few Months Past Market Weight', reduction woodcut
A Few Months Past Market Weight, 60″ tall reduction woodcut