Visual stories from the farm
Printing a 5ft wood block
The printing of a 5ft wood cut, ‘Hog Butcher for the World’ at Hoofprint Workshop, and the history behind the Chicago Union Stock Yards.
Carving a 5ft Woodblock
Next: Carving! After gathering all the images and ideas (see Part 1 for this rather agonizing...
5ft Woodcut Tribute to the Stockyards
It started with an invitation participate in a 40 x 60 Woodcut Challenge! (Actually, it...
Pas de Deux to Birds in Art 2015
Got the email today that Pas de Deux, a hand-colored linocut that I did the summer before last)...
Quality Production
Feet as big as babies! That was the first thing I noticed as one of the tiny black & white babies...
Joie de vivre, mischief, transformation and innovation…
...that's what this painting is really about. It's not that I have an extra special dog (each of...