Visual stories from the farm
Hoarfrost in December
Now that it's raining out, mud everywhere and just plain gloomy (WTH mid January thaw?? Oh that's...
Graze cow done!
Done! Finished varnishing last week. Whew! Wanted to get this uploaded before 2013, so here you...
Cow for Graze restaurant
Graze Restaurant asked me to paint a cow for them. Here's the progression (click any cow to...
Kitten Likes Blood
At last check, this was the only print of mine from the "Small Works" show at Artisan Gallery that...
For you dog AND cat people…
Cat-friend vs. Dog-friend Laugh-snort...'nuf said. [youtube...
The Amazing Dancing Dog!
Dexter did it again. Pose that is. Another folio exchange, this one with the theme "Circus,...