The idea for The Last Mark started out about a little JackRat named Dexter (the little smiley one on the right in the photo above) making his Last Mark on this world. It turned into something much more…
This video shows how to print on a ShowCard Press, here printing the last color of The Last Mark, a 9-color Reduction Linocut, 14 x 22″
After printing the last color (a very dark purple), the prints are hung up to cure.
There are 7 in this edition. One will be showing at Birds in Art 2022 (Medaris’ 12th time in this exhibit) at the Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum. This print is available for purchase online or in-person at Abel Contemporary.

Those Turkey Vultures showed up—circling close overhead
— 20 min after Dexter was put down (he had aggressive mouth cancer and was suffering, so we had him put down, out on the ridge overlooking his domain). It was then I realized how incredible their sense of smell must be, to show up so soon after this tiny 11-lb terrier had passed.
Turkey Vultures are nature’s cleaners they “…play an important role in the health of our ecosystems…they help eliminate rotting carcasses, which helps control the spread of certain diseases….” –The Peregrine Fund.
The Design (or composition) is an integral part of this story
Notice the zigzag, showing Dexter the way—away from the vultures and the suffering of his last days. Note the direction of Dexter’s gaze, then follow the curved edge of the cornfield. At the vanishing point, it zigs up into the clouds and zags up and out of the frame: safe passage for Dexter away from the buzzards and the earthly realm.

The Last Mark refers literally to the scene in which my little jack rat terrier, Dexter, makes his last mark on earth
It also signifies the profound emotional mark he made on us, his family throughout his lifetime. His life was filled with adventures, comedy, and drama, creating memories for us to hold in our hearts.

From the first exhibit Dexter was in every one
Here, from A One Chick Show (in this piece The Return of Big Tiny —on display at Epic Systems in Verona, WI—he’s looking up at a 13ft tall Big Tiny, the infamous cock) he bravely stared down the giant. My main muse, consequently was/is embedded in my work, the studio forever.
*Footnote (Don’t cry for me Argentina)
Let me clarify, this is a happy/sad (in that order) piece…meant to pay tribute to little/big Dex for the amazing adventure that was his life. Him staggeringly balancing on 3 legs to mark this last weed, his middle finger to all of those who might forget him…. No way little guy, I’ll show them you made your mark…all the way to the end little buddy…you marked this farm, our lives, forever…you’ll never die.
A great way to live, right? Just keep making your mark. All the marks. Show ’em.
Beautiful in so many ways and on so many levels. Your talent never ceases to amaze me!
Thank you so much Jenny! That means a lot coming from you and I am so grateful for your kind words