Super psyched… Accidentally printed a linoblock on pressbed, and discovered simple way to recreate new block from old. I’ve always transferred block print to acetate or similar before transferring the print onto another block (this is so I have a backup block in case the original block breaks down–like if ur printing 100 t-shirts….).

This transfer to pressbed instead of acetate is way better. Photo below shows process of each print–each one went thru the press one by one (right to left)–1.)right/original block, 2.)print on plexi/pressbed, 3.) print onto new block of lino (placed it face down over the pressbed print and ran thru press).

Can show each step (got photos), but will do later–have to clean the pressbed!
GrrrKitty transfer

(Oh yeah, and I’d have 2 carve the lino after image is transferred, but that’s the easy part)

#takachpress #marketweightpress #linocut #printmaking